
Text prototype extensions


_ <- fat.type.Text


Name Signature Brief
Text (val: Any) Coerces value to text, same as .toText

Prototype members

Name Signature Brief
isEmpty (): Boolean Return true if length is zero
nonEmpty (): Boolean Return true if non-zero length
size (): Number Return text length
toText (): Text Return self value
replace (old: Text, new: Text): Text Replace old with new (all)
indexOf (frag: Text): Number Get fragment index, -1 if absent
contains (frag: Text): Boolean Check if text contains fragment
count (frag: Text): Number Get repetition count for fragment
startsWith (frag: Text): Boolean Check if starts with fragment
endsWith (frag: Text): Boolean Check if ends with fragment
split (sep: Text): List/Text Split text by sep into list
toLower (): Text Return lowercase version of text
toUpper (): Text Return uppercase version of text
trim (): Text Return trimmed version of text
match (re: Text): Boolean Return text is match for regex
groups (re: Text): Scope Return matched regex groups
repeat (n: Number): Text Return text repeated n times
overlay (base: Text, align: Text): Text Return text overlaid on base
patch (i, n, val: Text): Text Inserts val at i, removing n chars
toChunk (): Chunk Encodes to binary representation


_ <- fat.type.Text
x = 'banana'
x.size                       # yields 6
x.replace('nana', 'nquet');  # yields 'banquet'


When defining regular expressions, prefer to use raw texts and remember to escape backslashes as needed, ensuring that the regular expressions are interpreted correctly:

alphaOnly = "^[[:alpha:]]+$"
'abc'.match(alphaOnly) == true

ipAddress = "^([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})$"
''.groups(ipAddress) == {
  _0 = ''
  _1 = '192'
  _2 = '168'
  _3 = '1'
  _4 = '2'

the implemented dialect is POSIX regex extended


The default align value (if not provided) is 'left'. Other possible values are 'center' and 'right':

'x'.overlay('___')            # 'x__'
'x'.overlay('___', 'left')    # 'x__'
'x'.overlay('___', 'center')  # '_x_'
'x'.overlay('___', 'right')   # '__x'

the outcome is always the same size as base parameter, the text will be cut if it is longer

See also

results matching ""

    No results matching ""