
File input and output operations


_ <- fat.file

Type contributions

Name Signature Brief
FileInfo (modTime: Epoch, size: Text) File metadata


Name Signature Brief
basePath (): Text Extract path where app was called
exists (path: Text): Boolean Check file exists on provided path
read (path: Text): Text Read file from path (text mode)
readBin (path: Text): Chunk Read file from path (binary mode)
write (path: Text, src): Boolean Write src to file and return success
append (path: Text, src): Boolean Append to file and return success
remove (path: Text): Boolean Remove file and return success
isDir (path: Text): Boolean Check if path is a directory
mkDir (path: Text, safe: Boolean) Create a directory
lsDir (path: Text): List Get list of files in a directory
stat (path: Text): FileInfo Get file metadata

Usage Notes


On exception:

  • logs error to stderr
  • returns null

read cannot see builtin "files", but readLib from SDK lib can



  • logs error to stderr
  • returns false


If safe is set to true, the directory gets 0700 permission instead of default 0755, which is less protected.

See also

results matching ""

    No results matching ""