
TCP socket manipulation

optionally supports SSL/TLS (if the OpenSSL library is available)


_ <- fat.socket



Represents a client connection, i.e., a socket connected to a remote server.


Name Type Description
id Number Internal file descriptor of the socket
peer Text Metadata about the remote endpoint
ssl Chunk Internally used for SSL sessions


Name Signature Brief description
receive (nBytes: Number): Chunk Reads up to nBytes from socket
send (data: Chunk): Void Sends data to the socket
close <> Void Closes the connection

receive(nBytes) will block until it obtains some data or until the connection is closed


Represents a socket in server mode, which waits for client connections.


Name Type Description
id Number Internal file descriptor of the socket


Name Signature Brief description
accept (wait: Number): ClientSocket Waits for a connection for up to wait ms
close <> Void Closes the server socket

Standalone methods

Name Signature Brief description
connect (addr, port, useSSL = false): ClientSocket Connects to a remote server
verifySSL (enabled: Boolean): Void SSL configuration (client mode)
setSSL (certPath: Text, keyPath: Text): Void SSL configuration (server mode)
bind (port: Number): ServerSocket Starts a server on the given port

Usage notes

Client mode

Establishing a connection

Use the connect(addr, port, useSSL) function to create a ClientSocket. For example:

_      <- fat.type._
socket <- fat.socket

con = socket.connect("", 80)
con.send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n".toChunk)
response = con.receive(1024)

Certificate verification

  • To enable SSL/TLS, pass true to the useSSL parameter in connect.
  • By default, certificate verification is active when using SSL. If you use self-signed certificates on your test server, you can call verifySSL(false) to disable verification:
con = socket.connect("localhost", 443, true)

Reading and writing

You can use send to send data and receive to read data. send operations delegate sending to the operating system and return immediately, while receive operations block until some message is received or the connection is closed by the other party.

Server mode

Listening on a port

To start a socket in server mode, use bind(port), obtaining a ServerSocket object:

socket <- fat.socket

server = socket.bind(1234)

Accepting connections

  • Call server.accept(wait) to accept client connections. If no connection appears within wait milliseconds, it returns null.
  • Upon obtaining a ClientSocket from accept, you can interact with the client using receive, send, and close.
~ con = server.accept(5000)  # waits up to 5 seconds
con != null ? {
  msg = con.receive(256)
  con.send(Chunk("Hello, client!"))

use wait of -1 for blocking until a new connection starts, use wait of 0 for non-blocking

SSL on the server

Before calling bind, use setSSL("cert.pem", "key.pem") to load a certificate and private key and enable SSL/TLS:

socket.setSSL("cert.pem", "key.pem")
server = socket.bind(443)

Closing the server

Simply call server.close when you want to stop accepting new connections.

See also

results matching ""

    No results matching ""