
Chunk prototype extensions


_ <- fat.type.Chunk


  • ByteArray: a sequence of bytes (Number [0-255])


Name Signature Brief
Chunk (val: Any) Coerce value to chunk (binary)

if the value is of type Number, creates a block of n bytes initialized to zero, where n is the provided number

Prototype members

Name Signature Brief
isEmpty <> Boolean Return true if size is zero
nonEmpty <> Boolean Return true if non-zero size
size <> Number Return chunk size (in bytes)
toText <> Text Convert chunk to text format
freeze <> Void Make the value immutable
toBytes <> ByteArray Convert chunk to bytes list
toHugeInt <> HugeInt Build HugeInt from binary data
seek (frag: Chunk, offset: Number = 0): Number Return index of first match
seekByte (byte: Number, offset: Number = 0): Number Return index of first match
patch (i, n, val: Chunk): Chunk Insert val at i, removing n bytes
fit (len: Number): Chunk Tuncate to a fixed lenght

toText replaces any invalid UTF-8 sequences with U+FFFD, represented as � in UTF-8


_ <- fat.type.Chunk

# Creating a chunk from text
x = Chunk('example')

x.size     # 7, the size in bytes
x.toText   # 'example', represented as text
x.toBytes  # [ 101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101 ], the UTF-8 values'am'))         # 2, the position of the match
x.patch(1, 5, Chunk('XY'))  # a new chunk 'eXYe'

# Creating a chunk from a number
y = Chunk(5)  # creates a chunk of 5 bytes initialized to zero

y.size     # returns 5
y.toBytes  # returns [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

See also

results matching ""

    No results matching ""