
SMTP handling framework

This library provides a simple interface for configuring SMTP parameters and sending emails.


_ <- fat.smtp


The smtp library introduces the ContactInfo type.


The ContactInfo type represents an email contact, which can include an optional name along with the email address.


Name Signature Brief
ContactInfo (email: Text, name: Text = '') Constructs a ContactInfo object
  • email: The email address of the contact.
  • name (optional): The name of the contact.



Configures the SMTP settings.

Parameter Type Description
from ContactInfo An object representing the sender.
server Text The SMTP server URL/address.
username Text The username for SMTP authentication.
password Text The password for SMTP authentication.
useSSL Boolean Use SSL/TLS (defaults to true).

raises an error if the configuration fails


Sends an email.

Parameter Type Description
to List/ContactInfo A list of recipients.
subject Text The subject of the email.
body Text The body of the email.

returns the message UUID on success

Usage Notes


smtp <- fat.smtp

  from = ContactInfo('', 'Sender Name')
  server = 'smtps://'
  username = 'your_username'
  password = 'your_password'

  to = [
    ContactInfo('', 'Recipient One')
    ContactInfo('')  # name is optional
  subject = 'Test Email'
  body = 'This is a test email sent using fat.smtp.'

SSL/TLS is enabled by default in the SMTP configuration. If your SMTP server requires SSL/TLS, no additional configuration is needed. However, if your server does not support SSL/TLS, you can disable it by setting useSSL to false when calling config.

SMTP in Web Build

When using fry built with Emscripten (for example, when using FatScript Playground), there is no support for this library.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""