
Encapsulation of optional value


_ <- fat.extra.Option

Error type is automatically imported along with this import


This library introduces two main constructs: Some and None, which are special cases of the Option type, providing a way to represent optional values, encapsulating the presence (Some) or absence (None) of a value.

Prototype members

Name Signature Brief
isEmpty <> Boolean Check if the option is None
nonEmpty <> Boolean Check if the option is Some
size <> Number Return 1 if Some, 0 if None
toText <> Text Return the text literal
freeze <> Void Make the value immutable
get <> Any Return value or raise NoSuchElement
getOrElse (default: Any): Any Return value or default if None
map (fn: Method): Option Apply method to contained value
flatMap (fn: Method/Option): Option Apply method that returns Option
filter (predicate: Method): Option Filter value by predicate
toList <> List Convert option to List
concrete <> Option Resolve option to Some or None

Usage example

_ <- fat.extra.Option

# Creating options
x = Some(5)  # equivalent to Option(5).concrete
y = None()   # equivalent to Option().concrete

# Working with options
isEmptyX = x.isEmpty   # false
isEmptyY = y.isEmpty   # true
valX = x.getOrElse(0)  # 5
valY = y.getOrElse(0)  # 0

# Applying a transformation
transformedX = x.map(v -> v * 2).getOrElse(0)  # 10
transformedY = y.map(v -> v * 2).getOrElse(0)  # 0

# Lifting values to option
label: Text = Option(opVal).concrete >> {
  Some => 'some value'  # case where opVal is not null
  None => 'no value'    # case where opVal is null

Option in Functional Programming

In FatScript, null is integrated as a first-class citizen, enabling native types, in most cases, to handle absent values without necessitating additional constructs for safety. Consequently, the Option type is included in the extra package as a syntactic sugar.

It allows explicit encapsulation of optional values for semantic clarity or adherence to certain functional programming paradigms. An example of its utility is demonstrated in the Scope type, which includes a maybe method alongside the standard value retrieval syntax:

  • myScope('key') returns the value associated with key or null if the key does not exist.
  • myScope.maybe('key') provides an Option wrapped value, distinguishing explicitly between the existence (Some) and absence (None) of a value.

Semantic handling of missing values

One of the key benefits of using the Option type is its ability to handle operations with potentially missing values semantically and safely. This feature is particularly useful in primitive operations or data transformations where null values might otherwise lead to errors. For example, consider a scenario where you need to sum a number with a value that may not be present:

# Assuming eggsBought is defined and has a value
eggsBought: Number = ...

# fridge.maybe('egg') retrieves the number of eggs in the fridge as an Option
# If 'egg' is not present, it defaults to 0, avoiding null-related errors
totalEggs: Number = fridge.maybe('egg').getOrElse(0) + eggsBought

Performance considerations

The use of Option types introduces computational overhead due to function calls needed to manipulate values and additional memory stemming from their underlying structure. While the benefits of safety and expressiveness are significant, the performance cost could become noticeable in tight loops or when processing large datasets.

See also

results matching ""

    No results matching ""