Essential aspects
Imports (<-)
console <- fat.console
Values (v)
Value names start with lowercase:
name = 'Mary'
age = 25
values are constants, unless initially declared with a tilde
Variables (~)
~ email = ''
~ isOnline = true
Lists ([])
list = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
list(0) # Outputs 1, read-only
list[0] # Outputs 1, read/write, in case list can be changed
Scopes ({})
scope = { key1 = 'value1', key2 = 'value2' }
scope.key1 # Outputs 'value1' (dot access)
scope('key1') # Outputs 'value1', read-only (call access)
scope['key1'] # Outputs 'value1', read/write, in case value can be changed
Types (T)
Type names start with uppercase:
Person = (name: Text, age: Number)
person = Person('Mary', 25)
Methods (->)
greeting = (name: Text): Text -> 'Hello, {name}'
methods are also considered values
Nullish coalescence (??)
maybeValue ?? fallback # use fallback if maybeValue is null/error
If-Else ( ? : _)
condition ? then : else # if condition is true, then do "then", otherwise "else"
Match cases (=>)
condition1 => result1
condition2 => result2
conditionN => resultN
_ => default # catch-all case
Switch (>>)
value >> {
match1 => result1
match2 => result2
matchN => resultN
_ => default # catch-all case
Tap (<<)
expression << tapMethod
uses tapMethod only for it's effects on the value returned by expression
Loops (@)
condition @ loopBody # loop while the condition is true
1..10 @ n -> rangeMapper(n) # iterate over the range 1 to 10
list @ item -> listMapper(item) # iterate over list items
scope @ key -> scopeMapper(key) # iterate over scope keys
Procedures (<>)
~ users = [
{ name = 'Foo', age = 30 }
{ name = 'Bar', age = 28 }
userNames = List <> users @ ->
userNames # Outputs ['Foo', 'Bar']
Deep dive
In the following pages, you will find information on the central aspects of writing FatScript code, using both the basic language features as well as the advanced type system and standard libraries features.
Formatting: how to format FatScript code properly
Imports: how to import libraries into your code
Entries: understanding the concept of entries and scopes
Types: a guide to FatScript type system
Flow control: controlling the program execution with conditionals
Loops: making use of ranges, map-over and while loops