
HugeInt prototype extensions


_ <- fat.type.HugeInt


Name Signature Brief
HugeInt (val: Any) Parse number or text to HugInt

when converting from Text, the input is interpreted as a hexadecimal representation

Prototype members

Name Signature Brief
isEmpty <> Boolean Return true if zero
nonEmpty <> Boolean Return true if non-zero
size <> Number Return number of bits to represent
toText <> Text Return number as hexadecimal text
freeze <> Void Make the value immutable
modExp (exp: HugeInt, mod: HugeInt): HugeInt Return modular exponentiation
toNumber <> Number Converts to number (with loss)
toChunk <> Chunk Encodes to binary representation


_ <- fat.type.HugeInt

# Converting HugeInt
x = 0x1f4   # 500 in hexadecimal
x.toText    # returns '1f4'
x.toNumber  # returns 500
x.size      # 9 bits are required to represent 500

# Modular exponentiation
y = 0x3           # 3 in hexadecimal
z = 0x5           # 5 in hexadecimal
mod = 0x7         # 7 in hexadecimal
y.modExp(z, mod)  # 0x5, equivalent to (3^5) % 7

Usage notes

Conversion from Number to HugeInt

  • The maximum allowed value for Number conversion is 2^53.
  • Attempting to pass a value greater than 2^53 will raise a ValueError.

Conversion from HugeInt to Number

  • Values up to 2^1023 - 1 can be converted, though some precision loss may occur for very large values.
  • If the value exceeds this limit, the result will be infinity. This can be verified using the isInf method from the math library.

the math library also provides the maxInt value, which serves to assess potential precision loss; if a number is less than maxInt, its conversion from HugeInt is considered safe without precision loss

See also

results matching ""

    No results matching ""