extra package

Additional types implemented in vanilla FatScript:

  • Date - Calendar and date handling
  • Duration - Millisecond duration builder
  • Fuzzy - Probabilistic values and fuzzy logic operations
  • HashMap - Quick key-value store
  • Logger - Logging support
  • Memo - Generic memoization utility
  • Option - Encapsulation of optional value
  • Param - Parameter presence and type verification
  • Sound - Sound playback interface
  • Storable - Data store facilities


If you want to make all of them available at once you can simply write:

_ <- fat.extra._

...or import one-by-one, as needed, e.g.:

_ <- fat.Date

Developer note

Currently most of these utilities are not resource or performance optimized.

The intent here was more of providing simple features, as basic templates that can be pulled out via readLib, so any developer with particular requirements will have a starting point for their own implementations.

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