
Data conversion between various formats


_ <- fat.recode

type package is automatically imported with this import


These settings can be used to adjust the behavior of the processing functions:

  • csvSeparator, default is , (comma)
  • csvQuote, default is " (double quote)

Base64 functions

Name Signature Brief
toBase64 (data: Chunk): Text Encode binary chunk to base64 text
fromBase64 (b64: Text): Chunk Decode base64 text to original format

JSON functions

Name Signature Brief
toJSON (val: Any): Text Encode JSON from native types
fromJSON (json: Text): Any Decode JSON to native types

with toJSON the native types such as HugeInt, Method, and Chunk will translate into null, while Errors will be converted to text

URL functions

Name Signature Brief
toURL (text: Text): Text Encode text to URL escaped text
fromURL (url: Text): Text Decode URL escaped text to original format
toFormData (data: Scope): Text Encode scope to URL encoded Form Data
fromFormData (data: Text): Scope Decode URL encoded Form Data to scope

CSV functions

Name Signature Brief
toCSV (header: List/Text, rows: List/Scope): Text Encode CSV from rows
fromCSV (csv: Text): List/Scope Decode CSV into rows

starting with version 4.x.x CSV methods support automatic quoting, escaped quotes, separators and new lines within quotes

RLE functions

Name Signature Brief
toRLE (chunk: Chunk): Chunk Compress to RLE schema
fromRLE (chunk: Chunk): Chunk Decompress from RLE schema

Frost and hot copies

Name Signature Brief
toFrostCopy (item: Any): Any Creates immutable copy of item
toHotCopy (item: Any): Any Creates mutable copy of item

toFrostCopy ensures immutability, ideal for capturing "safe" nested data snapshots, while toHotCopy allows data to be heated up again, useful where frozen data needs further processing

Other functions

Name Signature Brief
inferType (val: Text): Any Convert text to void/boolean/number
minify (src: Text): Text Minifies FatScript source code

minify will replace any $break statements (debugger breakpoint) with ()

To disable the type inference provided by inferType for fromFormData and fromCSV, you can override it globally by using recode.inferType = -> _ after importing fat.recode, or to reactivate it use recode.inferType = val -> $inferType.

See also

results matching ""

    No results matching ""