
Calendar and date handling

operations like addition and subtraction of days, months, and years, ensuring accurate handling of various date-related complexities such as leap years and month-end calculations


_ <- fat.extra.Date

time library, math library, Error type, Text type, List type, Number type, Duration type are automatically imported with this import

Date Type

Date offers a comprehensive solution for managing dates, including leap years and time of day.


  • year: Number - Year of the date
  • month: Number - Month of the date
  • day: Number - Day of the date
  • tms: Millis - Time of the day in milliseconds

default value points to: 1 of January of 1970

Prototype Members

Name Signature Brief
fromEpoch (ems: Epoch): Date Creates a Date instance from an epoch time
isLeapYear (year: Number): Boolean Determines if a year is a leap year
normalizeMonth (month: Number): Number Normalizes the month number
daysInMonth (year: Number, month: Number): Number Returns number of days in month of year
isValid (year, month, day, tms): Boolean Validates the date components
truncate (): Date Truncates the time of day
toEpoch (): Epoch Converts the Date instance to epoch time
addYears (yearsToAdd: Number): Date Adds years to the date
addMonths (monthsToAdd: Number): Date Adds months to the date
addWeeks (weeksToAdd: Number): Date Adds weeks to the date
addDays (daysToAdd: Number): Date Adds days to the date

Usage Examples

_ <- fat.extra.Date

# Create a Date instance
myDate = Date(2023, 1, 1)

# Add one year to the date
newDate = myDate.addYears(1)

# Add two weeks to a date
datePlusTwoWeeks = myDate.addWeeks(2)

# Create a Date from epoch time (in milliseconds)
# result is influenced by current timezone, see: time.setZone
epochTime = 1672531200000
dateFromEpoch = Date.fromEpoch(Epoch(epochTime))

# Convert a date to epoch time
epochFromDate = myDate.toEpoch

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