
Fry's software development kit utilities

a special library that exposes some of the inner elements of fry interpreter


_ <- fat.sdk


Name Signature Brief
ast (_): Void Print abstract syntax tree of node
stringify (_): Text Converts node to json text
eval (_): Any Interprets text as FatScript program
getVersion (): Text Return fry version
printStack (depth: Number): Void Print execution context stack trace
readLib (ref: Text): Text Return fry library source code
typeOf (_): Text Return type name of node
getTypes (): List Return info about declared types
getDef (name: Text): Any Return type definition by name
getMeta (): Scope Return interpreter's metadata
setKey (key: Text): Void Set key for obfuscated bundles
setMem (n: Number): Void Set memory limit (node count)
runGC (): Number Run GC, return elapsed in milliseconds
quickGC (): Number Run single GC iteration and return ms
setAutoGC (n: Number): Void Set GC to run every n new nodes

Usage notes


_ <- fat.sdk
_ <- fat.console

print(readLib('fat.extra.Date'))  # prints the Date library implementation

readLib cannot see external files, but read from file lib can


Use preferably on .fryrc file like so:

_ <- fat.sdk
setKey('secret')  # will encode and decode bundles with this key

See more about obfuscating.


Use preferably on .fry file like so:

_ <- fat.sdk
setMem(5000)  # ~2mb

Choosing between full, quick and auto GC

Most simple scripts in FatScript won't need to worry about memory management, as the default settings are designed to provide developers with a reasonably large memory capacity and sensible automatic behavior right out of the box.

The quickGC method offers swift, less exhaustive cleanup, making it suitable for scenarios where some leeway in memory allocation is acceptable. On the other hand, runGC ensures deterministic and thorough garbage collection, albeit at the expense of longer execution times, depending on various factors such as the size and complexity of the memory graph. However, in certain scenarios, quickGC may lead to a buildup of unreclaimed memory and might not be the most effective option.

In addition to manually choosing between quickGC and runGC, there is also a heuristic-based automatic GC. It is disabled by default, but can be enabled by calling setAutoGC with a non-zero value, this heuristic applies quickGC when ample free memory is available, ensuring minimal disruption. In contrast, under high memory pressure, fullGC is executed for comprehensive cleanup. This strategy balances memory efficiency with application performance, dynamically adapting to the memory usage pattern.

See more about memory management.

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